Friday, September 28, 2007

Wow I Can Not Believe......

That I haven't been here to post anything since Jun. 3rd, How bad is that!!!

Summer seemed to fly by a little to fast here...
But we had a wonderful summer, we visited the beach, amusement parks, nature parks, family picnics, and so on. It was great spending the carefree days of summer relaxing spending time as a family without all the hustle and rushing....

The kids are all back in school now and things are finally settling down for us, at least until the activities and practices start back up and then we will be driving every which way trying to get this one here and that one there and still find time to sit down as a family to dinner.

A couple of picture of the first day of school....Which stared Sept. 5th around here.

of course there is none of the tall kid that lives in the house but he does not slow down long enough for me to be able to snap one, you know teenagers!

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Found this on my friend Rachel's blog, and it looks like fun, so i'm going to do it too!!

The game is's harder than it looks! Here are the rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: Lisa
1. Famous Singer/Band: Los Lonely Boys
2. 4 letter word: Lake
3. Street: Lemuel Ave
4. Color: Lime
5. Gifts/Presents: Laptop
6. Vehicle: Lamborghini
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Sea Shell Necklaces
8. Boy Name: Logan
9. Girl Name: Lily
10. Movie Title: Lethal Force
11. Drink: Lemon Drop
12. Occupation: Land developer
13. Celebrity: Leonardo DiCaprio
14. Magazine: Lucky
15. U.S. City: Ludlow
16. Pro Sports Teams: Lions
17. Rachel didn't have one listed here.
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Lost Keys
19. Something You Throw Away: Losing Lottery tickets
20. Things You Shout: Listen to Me!
21. Cartoon Character: Linus

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Privacy Please.....Will it ever happen

All mothers can relate to this:

Please do not stand here and talk, whine, or ask questions.
Wait until I get out.
Yes, it is locked. I want it that way. It is not broken, and I am not trapped.
I know I have left it unlocked, and even open at times, since you were born, because I was afraid some horrible tragedy might occur while I was in there, but it’s been 10 years and I want some PRIVACY.
Do not ask me how long I will be. I will come out when I am done.
Do not bring the phone to the bathroom door.
Do not go running back to the phone yelling "She’s in the BATHROOM!"
Do not begin to fight as soon as I go in.
Do not stick your little fingers under the door and wiggle them. This was funny when you were two.
Do not slide pennies, LEGOs, or notes under the door. Even when you were two this got a little tiresome.
If you have followed me down the hall talking, and are still talking as you face this closed door, please turn around, walk away, and wait for me in another room. I will be glad to listen to you when I am done.
And yes, I still love you.

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Monday, May 28, 2007

What a Weekend......

I have to say this has been one tiring weekend, it is Monday night at 8:45 and my kids are out like lights I don't think I could wake them up if I wanted to!

We had a full weekend on Saturday we had a birthday/picnic for Ashley and Logan and then on Sunday friends had us over for a small picnic and drinks and that was a late night we didn't arrive home till after 10:30 (You can tell I am a mom now because once upon a time I would never consider 10:30 late I would consider it just getting started) and on Monday our neighbors who are also friends had us over for a picnic and swimming.

I don't think I can look at another burger for awhile now...

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Almost Forgot...about Rachel

Jen I knew you read my blog...[my sister]

And I had to post this picture to show you, remember when Rachel kept stealing licks of Logan lollipop at the Birthday Party and we all thought it was so cute!

By the looks of Logan's face in this picture it does not look like he thought it was cute at all..

Just joking we all know how much all the cousins love their baby cousin Rachel, I just thought the face was to cute...
He looks like he is saying Someone get this girl away from my pop!!

The things you catch on the camera!!

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The Birthday Party!!

I am exhaust from the day but everyone had a good time, Ashley & Logan seemed to be happy with the party and loved their gifts..
Sharing some pictures of the day!

Ashley & Logan opening present...

Pinata time...

Birthday cake....

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Ashley and Logan's Birthday was May 10th but because we had their First Communion on May 5th we decided to Celebrate their Birthday during Memorial day Weekend~
So I have been busy shopping and cleaning my house and the funny thing is after the party is over.......
I will be busy shopping and cleaning once again since all the gocery money went to buy party food and we can only eat party leftovers so long before the kids start saying their hungry and there is nothing to eat!!!
And with everyone coming in and out of the house all day the floors will need washing and so on....
But the nice thing is this is the last Birthday party till November in this house!!
We will probably have one or two small picnics during the summer but I consider them spur of the moment partys with just a few people, good food, drinks and laughing!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Baseball Season has begun......

Take me out to the ball game
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks
I don't care if I ever get back
And it's root, root, root
for the home team
If they don't win, it's a shame
Cause it's one, two, three strikes
You're out
At the old ball game.

Logan's taking a turn as Catcher~

Jake's turn to bat~

Logan take's off for 1st base~

Jake waiting his turn to bat~

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Monday, May 21, 2007

One less thing....

Tonight was our last night for Girl Scouts can you say YEAH!!
One less thing to do....
I am sure those of you with bigger families can understand our schedule was getting out of hand.
Girl Scouts-5:30-7:00pm
Ty's Basketball Practice-5:30-7:30
Baseball games-6:00pm
Jake & Logan's Baseball practice-6:00-8:00
Ty's Basketball Practice-5:30-7:00pm
Jake & Logan's Baseball Practice-6:00-8:00pm
Combination of things usally
Tyler basketball tournaments
Logan & Jake's baseball game
Tyler basketball tournaments

We are a one car family as of right now so you can imagine how tough it gets we are always checking schedules, rushing dinner and running out the door to go somewhere!!
I can not wait for all to end so we can sit down and have a nice relaxing dinner (If that is at all possible with 4 kids sitting around the kitchen table finding one way or the other to annoy the next one)
So even though I loved that Ashley enjoyed girl scouts, I am even more thrilled that is over till next Sept. so once again can you say Yeah!!
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Friday, May 18, 2007

I have been tagged again, this time by my online friend Karen~
The seven deadly sins of Lisa:

1. Lust~My husband!

2. Gluttony~~Like I mentioned before I can make myself sick eating Margaritaville Coconut shrimp!!

3. Greed~I like Karen would have to say I to am greedy for alone time, I would love to have just 24 hours to do something or even nothing at all! To curl up and read a good book without anyone asking for something would be the best!

4. Sloth~I will have to steal Karen and say Laundry and it's never ending growing pile!! Even with my husband who helps do loads of it we still feel buried by the piles~

5. Wrath~Would have to be when I lose my patience with my children and husband, I always end up hating myself after and wishing I could go back and do it over again.

6. Envy~People who seem to have it all put together. The perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect job you get the picture even though if I probably look a little closer I might find they are not so perfect after all~

7. Pride~I have pride in my family and am proud to say that they are mine and I love them!

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

We got Logan some sea monkeys for his Birthday. He has been checking them everyday since but so far

He thinks they will look like this when they grow, but most of us probably remember sea monkeys do not resemble anything the pictures in the back of the comic books used to show! There is no tiny family waving at you but hopefuly for Logan sake he at least see's something swimming around in the water in the next couple of days or I will have one disappointed child on my hands!

On another note nothing to do with the sea monkeys but I got such a kick out of how big this bottle of tums is....
Do you think AJ plans on being stressed out this month or what, this bottle of tums he purchased at BJ's is huge!!

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Friday, May 11, 2007

My online friend Rachel tagged me.......
so here goes.........
Here are the rules for playing 10 Things: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end you choose people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged. You can't tag the person who tagged you!

1. I hate, hate bugs of every kind, so in the summer I hate being out when it gets dark..I have to be inside where it is bug free!!
( I know Rachel you are probably thinking what a Girly Girl!! LOL!!)

2. Some days I worry obsessively about what would happen if AJ and I were to die in a car accident, who would I choose to raise our children and who would step forward to take all 4 in so they do not have to be spilt up.

3. I do not like the taste of coffee so I do not drink it but yet I love Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut Coffee Coladas. ...
..Go figure!

4. If no one is home in the house I am afraid to go down cellar to do laundry, one to many scary movies I guess.. I do go down because the laundry will not wait for a silly fear but I have to psych myself up first!!

5. I love, love to watch sports if my kids are playing but can not stand the sound of sports on t.v. it drives me nuts!!

6. I am obsessed with Margaritiville Coconut shrimp and at least once a month I try to buy a box from BJ's as a treat. I would eat it every night if I could but then I probably would not fit though my kitchen door!!

7. I am very insecure as a person, something I am working on but alot of times I feel like people are talking about me, even though in my heart I know it not true I know I am friendly and well liked but it is a hard feeling to get rid of......

8. Something I am just realizing Thanks to A.J. is that I interrupt alot when people or friends are talking with me, it is not that I am trying to be rude, It is just that I come from a big family 2 brothers & 2 sisters and to get your point across you had to spit it out quick! So I need to remind myself to let people finish talking first and then say my point~

9. We watch Drake and Josh during dinner almost every night on t.v.!! I can't believe I just typed that.....

10. The last 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about myself would be that I have been tagged but I do not have 10 people to tag back so my tag will end here!

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy, Happy 8th Birthday Ashley & Logan~

I can not believe you two are 8 years old already it seems like only yesterday when the doctor told us he saw to beautiful heartbeats beating strongly, I remember feeling so many emotions that day they ranged from being scared thinking I still have a baby at home since Jake was only 6 months old to crying and then overjoyed that I was to become the mom of twins!! The bond you both share never fails to amaze me... You may fight at times but you also look out for each other and always find a way to comfort one another when you are sad!!! You both have completed this family and I could not imagine our lives without both of you in it.
Happy Birthday Babies!!
We love you, Thank you for being you!!!

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

First Communion

Saturday Ashley & Logan made their First Holy Communion and afterwards we hosted a picnic in our yard for family and friends. They both looked so adorable all dressed up!

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Monday, April 30, 2007

First Girlfriend!

I have been so busy!

That I have had very little time to blog so instead I thought I would share an old picture of Tyler.....

I was looking through some old photos a few days ago and came across this one from about 11 years ago, which is a favorite of mine.
I still remember the day! AJ and I were at the ocean with Tyler standing by the waters edge when a little girl approached us and grabbed his hand and they walked hand in hand to the water!

I love it, his first girlfriend!!

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Monday, April 23, 2007

I have to blog...

I am still in disbelief in what I witness this afternoon in my house...

If you have a week stomach don't continue to read...I have a pretty strong stomach so I think and I got sick to my stomach but then again I saw it in person!!


It all started with Tyler coming home from school.......

Ty- Mom my throat hurts.
Me- Well you were fine this morning, maybe it is allergies.
Ty- I swallowed a big black ant at lunch today.
Me- You What!!
Ty- Someone bet me a dollar I won't eat an Ant.
Me- Your kidding right!
Ty- I think it is still in my throat.

(Ty looks in the mirror)

Ty- yeah it is still there I think it bit me and got stuck
Me- Let me see, your kidding!!

(part where I got sick)(at the side of his throat where your glands are on the left side there is the ant! Dead but there)

Me-Oh my Gawd!! Get rid of it!

(Tyler tries and tries to get the ant out but the thing bit him and is now dead but his little pincer are still holding on!)

As sick as I am feeling over the whole thing I run to get the tweezer and try to help him but can not! He finally manage to get a hold of it and pull but just the body comes out the head is still stuck and we can see it!

I call the doctor! Feeling very embarrased to tell them my 13 year old swallowed an ant. The nurse in disbelif does not know what to tell me so she puts me on hold to talk to the doctor. She comes back after much laughing in the background and said the doctor said to gargle alot and drink COKE since the acid in coke will break down the rest of the ant. He will be fine she says, People in other countries eat ants for a treat!!

Needless to say he is asleep for the night and the ANT is still stuck there!!


I hope he wakes up with a sore throat to teach him a lesson of some sort....

And to make matters worst I took a picture of it for him to prove to his friend he did indeed eat an ANT!! What kind of mother am I....

Pic of the ant in throat!! See the black dot...
In person it was worst trust me totally gross!

And a pic of my handsome 13 year old son totally sane looking so why in the world would he eat an ant for a dollar, I will never know....

I would have given him five dollars not to eat the thing!!!

I should have had all girls!! Most girls would never dream of picking up a big ant never mind trying to eat one!!!

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Easter Fun...

Beware this blog post contains alot of photos and very little writing.......

Let the Easter egg hunt begin...

Everyone is on the look out for the hidden eggs

Ashley helps her little cousin Rachel find the hidden Easter eggs

Brennan trying to find some eggs

Garret is also trying to find some...

Jake is having a fun time looking

Logan is on the lookout for the best spots

Aunti Kim helps Ashley reach a Easter egg

Grandma and Rachel search..

Ashley and her favorite baby cousin Rachel enjoy the day...

Brennan counts his eggs...He did a great job!

A fun time was had by everyone and we all enjoy our Easter celebration...

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