Monday, April 23, 2007

I have to blog...

I am still in disbelief in what I witness this afternoon in my house...

If you have a week stomach don't continue to read...I have a pretty strong stomach so I think and I got sick to my stomach but then again I saw it in person!!


It all started with Tyler coming home from school.......

Ty- Mom my throat hurts.
Me- Well you were fine this morning, maybe it is allergies.
Ty- I swallowed a big black ant at lunch today.
Me- You What!!
Ty- Someone bet me a dollar I won't eat an Ant.
Me- Your kidding right!
Ty- I think it is still in my throat.

(Ty looks in the mirror)

Ty- yeah it is still there I think it bit me and got stuck
Me- Let me see, your kidding!!

(part where I got sick)(at the side of his throat where your glands are on the left side there is the ant! Dead but there)

Me-Oh my Gawd!! Get rid of it!

(Tyler tries and tries to get the ant out but the thing bit him and is now dead but his little pincer are still holding on!)

As sick as I am feeling over the whole thing I run to get the tweezer and try to help him but can not! He finally manage to get a hold of it and pull but just the body comes out the head is still stuck and we can see it!

I call the doctor! Feeling very embarrased to tell them my 13 year old swallowed an ant. The nurse in disbelif does not know what to tell me so she puts me on hold to talk to the doctor. She comes back after much laughing in the background and said the doctor said to gargle alot and drink COKE since the acid in coke will break down the rest of the ant. He will be fine she says, People in other countries eat ants for a treat!!

Needless to say he is asleep for the night and the ANT is still stuck there!!


I hope he wakes up with a sore throat to teach him a lesson of some sort....

And to make matters worst I took a picture of it for him to prove to his friend he did indeed eat an ANT!! What kind of mother am I....

Pic of the ant in throat!! See the black dot...
In person it was worst trust me totally gross!

And a pic of my handsome 13 year old son totally sane looking so why in the world would he eat an ant for a dollar, I will never know....

I would have given him five dollars not to eat the thing!!!

I should have had all girls!! Most girls would never dream of picking up a big ant never mind trying to eat one!!!

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Kimberly said...

LOLOLOLOL Oh my goodness! I know exactly what sort of ant you are talking about! It has got to be a carpenter ant. I tried to smush one with a rag once. It bit into the rag. After washing and drying, that sucker was still latched onto that rag. Poor kid! I hope it breaks free soon! Being a mother of a 13 year old boy myself, I am not surprised! Let us know how it goes! said...

Lisa...that is a tad bit gross, especially if it was a carpenter ant - those things are HUGE! lol (And they're like termites, too!!!) lol Sorry to laugh, but it's so something one of my brothers would have talked ME into doing as a kid!

Mrs Pretzel said...

Well, your counter says that I'm from N bend, and that's not right, but it's REALLY close... LOL Just had to say that I think that your son ROCKS! I'd give him the five bucks anyway.