Tuesday, February 20, 2007

There's a New Sheriff in Town~

Logan loves the dollar store and when he has a dollar to spend he wants to go there, we try to talk him out of it!
Because everything Logan buys there...


Well his newest dollar store buy, lasted all about 1 hour before the dart gun broke and then without that the other pieces were useless to him.
Maybe next time he will learn to save the dollars to buy something he really wants, something that will last or maybe a crisp new dollar and the pull of the dollar store will win him over again!
Till then a Sheriff ruled over our house for an HOUR and kept us all safe from harm....


Mrs Pretzel said...

Um, yeah. My kids do the SAME thing. But I usually make them just plau with things even "broken" 'cause just because the darts don't come out, doesn't mean it's not a KILLER alien stun gun! LOL


SimplyAmusingDesigns.com said...

I signed in with the wrong account...that was me on the last comment. :o)

Lisa said...

Of course you can Karen~