Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a Busy Day!! ~*~

What a Busy Sunday...

It is officially Girl Scout Cookie Time!
And today we had Ashley's Brownie Troops booth sale, it ran from 12 p.m. - 6 p.m., the girls had alot of fun!! They got to wear costumes and learn how to give back change by each taking a turn at the cash box. The brownie's had a great day and sold past their goal.

Now we have the fun of sorting and delivering all the girl scout cookies Ashley sold!!

We also had the basketball banquet today from 2:30-4:30, each of the kids won a prize on their raffle tickets and received a basketball pin. Trophy's are handed out at a separate party, which is coming so more pics to follow soon!

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1 comment: said...

You have got your hands FULL! :o) Looks like you guys are having a great time...I want me some girl scout cookies...but I'm (waaah) trying to lose this weight! ack! lol