Monday, May 21, 2007

One less thing....

Tonight was our last night for Girl Scouts can you say YEAH!!
One less thing to do....
I am sure those of you with bigger families can understand our schedule was getting out of hand.
Girl Scouts-5:30-7:00pm
Ty's Basketball Practice-5:30-7:30
Baseball games-6:00pm
Jake & Logan's Baseball practice-6:00-8:00
Ty's Basketball Practice-5:30-7:00pm
Jake & Logan's Baseball Practice-6:00-8:00pm
Combination of things usally
Tyler basketball tournaments
Logan & Jake's baseball game
Tyler basketball tournaments

We are a one car family as of right now so you can imagine how tough it gets we are always checking schedules, rushing dinner and running out the door to go somewhere!!
I can not wait for all to end so we can sit down and have a nice relaxing dinner (If that is at all possible with 4 kids sitting around the kitchen table finding one way or the other to annoy the next one)
So even though I loved that Ashley enjoyed girl scouts, I am even more thrilled that is over till next Sept. so once again can you say Yeah!!
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