Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ashley and Logan~*~

Someday I wonder if Ashley & Logan will be as close as some twins, especially since they are girl/boy twins and their brother Jake is just 15 month older. Logan tends to hang around with Jake alot and sometime Ashley being the only girl in the house with 3 brothers is the one left out. It is hard to find someone to play barbies with you when you have 3 brothers the thought of dressing a naked barbie can send them
but then I come across pictures like these and know that bond is there and hopefully always will be!


Mrs Pretzel said...

I love it! Looks like you've been playing with picasa! ;)


Kimberly said...

Awww, they look so sweet. My sister has a 5 yr old boy, 2 year old boy, and boy and girl twins that are 1 year old. The little girl is so girly, yet has no problem getting down on the floor and wrestling with her older brothers. Her twin boy has cerebral palsy, but he still gets in there and plays too. Ill try to post a picture of the twins soon.