Monday, March 19, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Celebrating Mom's 65th Birthday~

Today we Celebrated my Mom's Birthday~

Some pictures of the day...

My Mom & Dad

The GrandChildren...13 in all but one was missing today because of her job.
~~Allison-19, Desiree-19(missing), Zachary-16, Mandy-15, Donnelle-15, Jeffery-14, Tyler-13, Garrett-9, Jake-9, Ashley & Logan-8, Brennan-5 and the baby Rachel-2~~

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another busy Weekend...
I feel the older our kids are getting the more busy our lives become...
Today are agenda consist of.....

12:00-2:00-Jake & Logan's Basketball trophy pizza party
12:00-3:45-Ashley girlscouts troop 2nd booth sale
2:15-7:00-Jake & Logan's Playdate at friends house
2:30-?-Drop Tyler off at friend house for some b-ball
3:45-7:00-Ashley's trophy party at coach Amy's house

And the list didn't quite end there but that is a different story....
Here are a few pics of the day today...

And before I forget "Happy Birthday Mom" "We Love You"

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Friday, March 09, 2007


Our old printer was biting the dust and we use a printer everyday in our business, So today we went out and bought another one. I love the new printer it not only prints but it also is a fax machine (now we won't have to pay to fax important things, something AJ is happy about), copier (who couldn't use one of those) and my favorite part it is also a scanner (so now I can scan photos that weren't taken with my digital and show them).
Like this one...It is one of my favorites of Ashley and I taken at my sister's wedding. If I can find the time like I hope to start scrapping again this is the first photo I am going to scrap! (mostly because I take awful pictures and I don't look half bad in this one!!)

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a Busy Day!! ~*~

What a Busy Sunday...

It is officially Girl Scout Cookie Time!
And today we had Ashley's Brownie Troops booth sale, it ran from 12 p.m. - 6 p.m., the girls had alot of fun!! They got to wear costumes and learn how to give back change by each taking a turn at the cash box. The brownie's had a great day and sold past their goal.

Now we have the fun of sorting and delivering all the girl scout cookies Ashley sold!!

We also had the basketball banquet today from 2:30-4:30, each of the kids won a prize on their raffle tickets and received a basketball pin. Trophy's are handed out at a separate party, which is coming so more pics to follow soon!

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Love Letters~*~

I find these love letters alot from Ashley and I treasure each and everyone of them!! I know that the day will come when she becomes a teenager and that these notes will stop! For awhile her friends will be her focus in life and she will have no time to write me these little love letters but until that time I look forward to finding them!

I Love You Ashley!!

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